Music in Metro

The Moscow Metro is a legal musical platform.

For many years street musicians played at subway stations. Finally, a few years ago a unique decision was made to create a project called "Music in Metro".

 Music in Metro official website

"Music in metro" is a project created by the Department of Transportation and the Moscow Metro, with the participation of students of the British Higher School of Design at the initial stage of design.

Every year, about 200 musical groups and individual performers are licensed to perform in special venues. You can follow the schedule of performs on a special website.

Performances are free, musicians don't get paid - they remain street musicians.

Musicians perform on weekdays from 10AM to 5PM and from 8PM to 10PM, on weekends from 10AM to 10PM. At the peak hour performances are not held.

Here I share some videos from the metro:

Official website


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